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Adore You Page 2

  You know how they say it’s uncomfortable to be in a room with unrestrained tension. Well imagine being in a room with barely restrained passion. From the first introduction, I could tell that Everett was attracted to Cassidy. When they shook hands he held on a little too long, staring into her eyes as if he were dazed. I chalked it up to the typical male response to Cassidy that I had grown used to rather quickly. Cass was strikingly beautiful – a half Irish, half Black American beauty with skin that was the color of café au lait, piercing emerald eyes, and shockingly red kinky curls, corkscrewing in every direction. When I first met her, I had major hair envy and thought for sure I would not get along with her at all. It turned out that besides being ridiculously good-looking she was the most down-to-earth person I would meet in my time at HVSU. We clicked instantaneously, forging a lifelong friendship.

  We spent a lot of time with Cass that weekend she and Everett finally met and it almost felt like I was encroaching on their budding relationship at moments. They had the same nerdy sense of humor, so they’d be laughing at jokes one or the other cracked that went right over my head. Initially I was jealous until I sat in the living room watching them laughing hysterically at an episode of some geeky television show and it hit me. Later that night as we lay in my bed, I asked Everett his impressions of Cass.

  He got that same moony look in his eye from when they were introduced and replied, “She’s chill. I like her. Yeah. She’s good people.”

  “Oh yeah, I could tell you liked her,” I replied, my voice holding a note of amusement.

  Hearing the shift in my tone, Everett rushed to assure me that he just thought she was a nice person, but I stopped him in the middle of his explanation.

  “I think we should break up, Ev.”

  “What? Where is this coming from, Devorah?”

  “Hold my hand.”

  I slid my fingers down his arm to clasp his so that we were holding hands, palm to palm.

  “What do you feel?”

  “I feel your clammy ass hand, holding onto mine for dear life. Quit playing, Bee.”

  I smiled upon hearing him use my childhood nickname. After finding out my name meant bee as an eight year old, I became obsessed with all things bee related. As a result, Ellis started calling me Little Bee. Eventually Cade and Everett joined in too and the name stuck.

  “What else?”

  “What do you mean what else? Nothing. I just feel you holding my hand.”

  “Exactly. That’s my point, Ev.”

  “Huh? What are you talki—”

  I interrupted, “Now what did you feel when you shook Cass’ hand this morning?”

  “I-I di-didn’t fe-feel—”

  “You still stammer when you lie, huh?”

  As kids, Ellis clued Cade and me into Everett’s tendency to stutter when he was stretching the truth. The fact that he knew that we knew and still was unable to control it was amusing to say the least.

  “Hear me out. I know you felt something because I felt something watching y’all interact all day. It wasn’t jealousy or even anger. It was as if blinders had been lifted. I love you, Ev. I truly, truly do, but I’m not sure that I’m in love with you. And something in my shundo is telling me that you feel the same about me. But seeing you with Cassidy, witnessing that spark? That’s something that is undeniable. There’s chemistry there, but here? There is only familiarity.”

  “Bee…you trippin’. I don’t even know her like that.”

  “But I know both of you well enough to know that this is something I need to do. You just have to trust me. Matter of fact, I’ll be right back…”

  I got out of bed and knocked on Cass’ bedroom door. After speaking with her about the same suspicions I’d shared with Everett, I dragged her into my room. Ev was still sitting on my bed looking like a deer in headlights when Cass and I returned.

  “Y’all talk. I’ma be in Cass’ room. Come get me when you come to your senses.”

  I wound up sleeping in Cass’ room that night. Those fools were up all night connecting and have basically been inseparable since. I was Best Honorable Maiden at their wedding; a bastardized portmanteau of Best Man and Maid of Honor because I was the one who brought them together. My mother still is a bit pissed that I “gave Everett to that redheaded lil girl” and brings it up whenever she laments about my single status or still not having grandkids. I’m sure my mother would have a field day with…whatever this was I was doing with Ellis. And by field day, I mean be completely mortified. She wanted grandbabies, but I’m certain she didn’t want them by way of me being involved with two of her best friend’s sons.

  This never would have happened if my boss hadn’t sent me to that damn conference. Wouldn’t have found myself in one of the most romantic cities in the states with a man I’d pined after for an embarrassingly long time. Wouldn’t have agreed to take that moonlight stroll that ended with my ankles knocking against his ears. Wouldn’t have had the most delicious orgasms I’ve had in my life and been permanently ruined for every other man who dared try.

  “Uh oh…what’s that look about, Bee?”

  “You know we—”

  “I know I know. We shouldn’t have done this. Scandal. Shame. Fire and brimstone. All that shit,” Ellis droned with an amused look on his face.

  “This isn’t funny, El. And this really is the last time.” I tried to sound resolute.

  “You said that last time, but still somehow ended up bent over my balcony as I slid in…”

  Involuntarily, a shudder wracked my body. That day was a test of my flexibility. Who knew my leg could extend that far behind me?

  “Stop. That’s how this shit happens every time. I try to stop this, you distract me and then I end up with your dick in me,” I pouted.

  “Bee,” Ellis said in a low rumble, “You do realize that you’re not exactly proving your case with me still inside you, right?”

  He moved to extract himself and I felt an immediate loss.

  Heaving a sigh, I said, “Can you imagine what Imogene and Miranda would say if they saw us right now?”

  “Really, Bee? Well, you’ve definitely managed to kill any arousal left by mentioning my mother and Aunt Im. But I’m sure after they got over the shock of seeing us naked as the day we were born; they’d have no problems. Because we’re adults with free will…”

  Ellis had given me at least twenty versions of this speech each time I tried to end our relationship. Well, I shouldn’t even say end a relationship because there wasn’t anything to end. We just had an undeniable chemistry and the absolute best sex of my life. Those two things did not a relationship make. Not for lack of trying on Ellis’ part though. He’d been sweating me to define what we were doing since we got back from New Orleans. But who wants to be known as the girl who dated two brothers? Childish, I’m aware, but there are other things holding me back. Ellis hasn’t exactly been known to be one-woman man. And I mean…after spending the majority of my life wanting him and finally getting some of him, how devastated would I be once I lost him? Of course none of this was shit I could share with him.

  I was getting really fucking tired of having the same conversation with Devorah. Since this thing between us started she’s been really weird about whatever this was that was unfolding. I certainly didn’t expect to run into her at that conference, let alone end the night, falling asleep embedded inside her, but here we are. Honestly though? This shit was inevitable. I’ve wanted her for some time now. When she ended up at Hunt Valley, I probably shouldn’t have been lusting after my little brother’s girl, but damn, milk definitely did Little Bee’s body good. By the time she stepped foot on campus, she had grown out of her gangly teen years into a fine ass woman. She’d always carried herself gracefully, byproduct of years of being a dancer, but that scrawny frame morphed into curves in all the right places—a fat ass and titties that would make a man weep. Combine that with her heart shaped face, wide doe-like eyes and a full mouth and I was a goner.

sp; I should have never listened to Cadence and come down here, but I couldn’t help it. Never had any woman ever fucked me up like this. Sweating her best friend to track her down on some stalker shit? Not even your boy’s style; yet here we were. I should have stuck with the whole element of surprise thing, but when I showed up Devorah didn’t seem as put out as I would have expected. I thought she was softening to the idea of whatever this was becoming official, but clearly not.

  “Why do you want me?” Devorah’s voice broke into my thoughts. “Why are you pressing the issue so hard? I mean…look at you. You can get pussy on demand, I’m sure.”

  Smirking, I reached over and pushed her hair back from covering her eyes. She shuddered at the simple touch. I couldn’t lie; I was just as affected whenever we touched. I didn’t know what the hell this was, but this thing between us was electric. And I was intrigued.

  “That’s why,” I said, simply. “How many times have we done this in the past six months? And every time I touch you, something as simple as tucking your bangs, you have a strong reaction. I’ve never felt any shit like this, Bee. So I wanted to see what it’s all about.”

  She shifted her gaze from mine to stare at something over my shoulder. That break in eye contact meant the conversation was over. Apparently my honest answer wasn’t good enough. I swear this woman captivated and drove me insane at the very same time.

  “You want me to go?” I asked, not really wanting to move a damn inch.

  “You shouldn’t even be here.”

  “That’s not what I asked though…”

  She was saved from answering by my phone ringing. Who in the hell…ah shit!

  “What up, E?”

  “What up? Nigga, I’m inside your house ready to go hoop and you are…where, exactly?”

  I hesitated briefly before saying, “I had to make a run. Gimme forty-five and I’ll meet you at the court.”

  “Make a run, huh? Which one of the hoes is it this time? Aye if it’s shorty who does the tongue thing? I’ll give you an hour, bro,” Everett laughed.

  I couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped.

  “Aye, man. Chill. It ain’t like that.”

  “So what exactly is it like then?” Everett asked, laughing.

  “Mind your business, ET.”

  “Wouldn’t have to if your ass was at home like you supposed to be.”

  “Aight. Chill. Damn. Just told you I’d be there in forty-five.”

  “Man, you might as well take the whole hour. I’ll be here soaking up your good AC and eating what’s in your…aw nigga you ain’t even got no groceries?”

  “Get out of my house and meet me at Pembroke in an hour,” I laughed.

  “Yeah whatever, man. Got me out here when I coulda been still laid up with my wife.”

  “You shoulda called before you came. I’ll see you soon. Bye.”

  I shook my head as I pressed the button to disconnect the call. Devorah had gotten out of bed and was in the shower singing off key to Beyoncé, typical morning after behavior. I walked into the bathroom to let her know I was leaving. I pulled back the shower curtain and goddamn it if I didn’t want to call Ev back and tell him we’d hoop another day.

  “Did you need something?” Devorah asked, a hint of annoyance in her voice.

  I pulled my gaze from her soapy breasts and met her eyes. I was surprised to see them rimmed in red, as if she’d just recently finished crying. Quickly averting her gaze, she looked down busying herself with soaping her loofah sponge. I stripped immediately, stepped into the shower and pulled her into my arms, with little resistance. She still was looking down though, refusing to make eye contact. I tipped her chin up, forcing her to look at me. Her eyes were filled with tears, precariously balanced, ready to fall.

  “Hey, are we good?”

  “Don’t recall inviting you to share my shower.”

  “You have a really annoying habit of not answering my questions.”

  “Does shorty who does that tongue thing answer your questions?”

  Shit. I didn’t realize she could hear that. Goddamn that Everett and his loud ass mouth. She pulled out of my embrace and tilted her head under the spray of the showerhead. With her eyes closed, she let the water cascade over her face and hair.

  “Bee, you know…”

  Stepping from beneath the spray, Bee said, “I don’t know shit, Ellis.”

  I scrubbed a hand over my face and reached out to grab her hands.

  “Look at me.”

  She turned her gaze to me, with water spiked eyelashes.

  “I, Ellis Stacey Taylor the Third, do solemnly swear that I am not fucking anyone other than Devorah Nicole Lee when she feels like not being ornery.”

  “Your middle name is Stacey?”

  “Yeah, it’s a family name. Wait—damnit, how long have we known each other and you don’t know my middle name? Really, Bee?”

  “It never came up?” she giggled.

  I pulled her flush against my body.

  “Stop trying to derail. Do you understand what I just said?”

  She looked down and nodded.


  Moments passed before she angled her head up, giving me a soft kiss wrought with sweetness. As she pulled away, she whispered, “I guess I gotta give up my hoes, huh?”

  We both burst into laughter and she relaxed into my embrace. Crisis averted for now, hopefully. I would, however, have to talk to Everett about knowing when to shut the fuck up though. I lingered a bit longer, sharing Bee’s shower before I headed out to my house and changed into gear to beat my brother’s ass at basketball.

  An hour later, I pulled up to Pembroke Park and saw Everett warming up.

  “Bout time you got here, fool,” he yelled out.

  “Just be thankful I gave your ass extra practice time.”

  We played a few games of one-on-one before ceding the court to some teens that came to play five-on-five. As we headed back to our cars, Everett reminded me of his daughter Sophie’s dance recital tomorrow afternoon. I confirmed I’d be there. On the ride home I decided to call my boy Trey to see if he wanted to watch the game. It was a ruse mainly because I needed someone to talk this Bee shit out with. Couldn't do it with my brother since she was being all crazy about the family knowing, so my next closest friend would do. I pressed the voice activated command button on my steering wheel.

  Please say a command after the tone.

  “Call Trey Ball.”

  Calling Trey Ball iPhone.

  “ET! What up, dude? Long time…”

  “Shit. What's good with you, boy?”

  “Not a damn thing besides Demetria driving me insane…”

  “Aw shit you havin’ girl troubles, too?”


  Shit. I didn't mean to drop that in there so early.

  “What you got goin’ on today? Game tonight. Come through, let's crack some brews; talk some shit.”

  “Talk about that ‘too’.”

  “Man, I was just…”

  “Cut the shit, bruh. I’ll be there by six with brews and ears to hear all about Ms. Me Too,” Trey laughed.

  “Aight, man. I’ll catch you later.”


  As promised, Trey showed up with brews at six on the dot. I swear he was the most punctual brother I knew. CP time didn’t fly when he was around. It was a side effect of his upbringing as a Marine brat. His pops didn’t play that being late shit at all. We managed to break him of most of his goody two shoes tendencies in undergrad, but the timeliness stuck. I ordered a pizza and it arrived shortly after Trey did. We watched the first half of the game talking shit about our squad’s inability to get a single shot from beyond the arc to drop before he finally asked, “So who is Ms. Me Too?”

  “I thought we were talking about your shit with Demi.”

  “Nah man, that’s the same old marriage bullshit. I don’t see why she just can’t be content with what we got going on. Fifteen damn years and I ai
n’t fucked nobody else, but she needs a white dress and party to confirm our love?”

  “You just said you ain’t goin’ nowhere. Why not give in? Make your life that much easier.”

  “It’s the principle…”

  “Your principle is stupid. And you’re just gonna end up driving Demi away eventually.”

  “Hmph. She’s been here this long. She ain’t going anywhere.”

  “Yeah, ok. Don’t get too comfortable. Women are wild, unpredictable creatures. Just when you think you got ‘em figured out they come and put some hoodoo on your ass.”

  “Ain’t this some shit. Coming from you, the King of I’m Not Settlingville. Ms. Me Too got you thinking bout a ring?”

  “Nah, man it ain’t even like that.”

  “But it’s like something for you to be over here pushing me toward marriage. You’re the last one I thought would ever encourage that shit.”

  “You remember Little Bee?”

  “Everett’s bad ass old shorty? Of course. I could never forget an ass like that.”

  “That’s Ms. Me Too.”



  “Bruhhhhhhhh.” Trey put his head down, chuckling. “How did that happen?”

  “You remember when I went to AdTech six months ago? She was there. One thing led to another and…”


  “Will you stop fucking saying bruh?”

  “I ain’t got shit else to say, man. I didn’t know you were into sloppy seconds,” Trey laughed.

  “Man, please. That girl has always been mine. Ain’t no seconds.”

  “The hell you mean always been yours?”

  “Just what I said.”

  I knew that when we were kids that Devorah had a little crush on me. I thought it was annoying when she used to follow me around. Then the summer after my first year of undergrad changed everything. Auntie Im needed some help around the house after her and Uncle James split, so my mom had Everett and I trade off going over to help mow the lawn, fix leaky sinks, shit like that. Whenever it was my turn, Bee always seemed to be underfoot, offering lemonade on scorching summer days when I was mowing the lawn or hot chocolate on wintry days while I shoveled and salted.